Master the AKAI EWI 5000
If you're new to electronic wind instruments, or you've been struggling to get the hang of your EWI, then this course is for you. My name is Evan Tate, and I'm a professional saxophonist and woodwind instructor with over 30 years of experience on the stage and in the studio.
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"The Book of EWI" by Evan Tate is a comprehensive guide for beginners and advanced players of the AKAI Electronic Wind Instrument, also known as EWI. With over 50 years of development, the EWI has evolved into a remarkable instrument, but many struggle to play it with proficiency. This book is designed to help players overcome the initial hurdles and master the instrument. From choosing the right EWI and accessories to advanced techniques, "The Book of EWI" covers everything a player needs to know to play with confidence and have fun. This is a must-have resource for anyone looking to improve their EWI playing skills.
Excerpts from the Table of Contents: A Short History of the EWI Things to Think About When Playing the EWI Setting Up Your EEW First Exercises for the EWI Scale Exercises - Major, Minor, Blues, Pentatonic, Whole Tone, and Diminished Trill Chart Jazz Etudes Resources
180+ Pages!!